Singers: Covid Research

I'm sure you are aware there has been lots of discussion recently about the re-opening of performance spaces and theatres. There is also confusion as to why, if they are able to re-open soon, certain shows have declared that they will not be re-opening until 2021. I am sure there are financial implications of rehearsing a show and being shut down if a second wave happens or opening with limited audience capacity. However, I wanted to share with you the medical reason that singing indoors is currently under scrutiny and is still prohibited.

Unfortunately, due to the spread of Covid among several choirs and their members, singing has been deemed to be a dangerous activity during the pandemic. Although the same vocal mechanism is used for singing, speaking and shouting there has become a stigma around singing. Top ENT surgeon Dr Declan Costello is leading a research project into the production of aerosols and droplets when singing. Aerosols are small particles that are light enough to float around in the air and require ventilation to remove them. Droplets fall to the floor and that is what social distancing protects us from. It needs to be determined whether singing produces harmful aerosols and if they can be managed for a singing setting. The results of the research will inform the next steps we are advised to take. If the research data proves that singing is no more harmful than talking to each other in a social capacity then we may get the go ahead to resume performance indoors (albeit socially distanced). Until that time any singing indoors, whether that be one singer or a choir of singers, is controversial.

The video below is an interview with Sam Evans from the #OneVoiceCampaign and Dr Declan Costello discussing the research project.

The research is in the best hands. Dr Declan Costello, previously a singer himself, is a leading ENT who works predominantly with singers. He understands the situation thoroughly from an Arts perspective and a Medical one.

Hang on in there 🙏🏻

The #OneVoiceCampaign has been set up to request support for freelancers in the Arts in the current situation.


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