Vocal Coach Tips, Audition Tips Jai Ramage Vocal Coach Tips, Audition Tips Jai Ramage


Music moves us and it is all around us for that very purpose. It's on adverts and films. It's played in bars, in spas to create an atmosphere. We sing at celebrations, events, rituals. It unites us. As singers we have the ability to communicate through song and make people feel something. I refer to this as ‘connection’.

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Audition Tips, Vocal Coach Tips Jai Ramage Audition Tips, Vocal Coach Tips Jai Ramage

What the Audition Panel are Really Thinking

My days in front of the audition panel are long gone but the sensations and emotions involved in putting myself up for scrutiny have never left me. Sometimes I even dream that I'm in the audition room and no one is paying any attention, I'm grasping for words that I just can't seem to find and I have no idea how the song goes....thankfully, I wake up!

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